Swirling Free

24″ x 36″ x 3/4″

This canvas will always be so special to me because its process led me to find “Free the Paintbrush”.  I had the idea to take a small section from my “Exploring Love” canvas and use that technique on a much larger space. I thought it would be cool to use the Gesso medium and etch in some hearts.  I found that when the Gesso was down, all I wanted to do was make swirls with the paintbrush. My head kept saying “make hearts”, but my intuition and the paintbrush kept overriding and making swirls. This went back and forth until finally I let go, my mind was quiet and I was free. When I was done, I loved it and knew I would paint within the sections.
Upon reflecting on what had happened,  I suddenly (and dramatically:) shouted: “Free the Paintbrush”.  That phrase really sums up my goal when I paint and create, and even in life in general- to quiet the mind, stop thinking so much, and let life happen as it’s meant.
To complete this canvas I used Gesso, Acrylic Paint, glitter, and paper with the words free the paintbrush or just FTP.
This canvas is not for sale, but please contact me if you would like to commission a similar canvas that is personalized for yourself or as a gift for someone in your life.
All colors and designs wrap around the canvas.

side view